While we strive for accuracy, the availability of foreclosure properties listed on our site is not guaranteed due to ever-changing market conditions. We invite you to explore other categories, including pre-foreclosures, offering valuable real estate investment opportunities.
Start by searching for available pre-foreclosure properties in your area. These properties aren't usually listed for sale, which means there's less competition from other buyers. Additionally, pre-foreclosures are often sold below market rate, making them great real estate deals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get a great deal on a foreclosed property
Forest Park: Dense woods surround the area's historic homes. This neighborhood is located in the center of the city and has many foreclosure opportunities available, which are large homes that should be considered as a good monetary investment.
Southside: This residential area is a great place to live due to the mix of old and new properties that are perfect for prospective buyers. Foreclosures in this area are also excellent options for those looking to buy real estate in the developing area.
East Lake: The community has foreclosure options in a neighborhood that is currently being renovated on its architecture. The location is suitable for first time homebuyers as well as investors looking for a cheap property in the real estate market.
Ensley: This location is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city. Investing in foreclosure properties here will be a great benefit to investors as they will be able to make home improvements that will increase the value of the property in the future. At the same time, the area is in the process of modernization.
Roebuck Springs: The neighborhood is a suburban area with very large lots and lots of trees. Foreclosures in this location tend to attract families and those who want to live close to the city but in a quiet and peaceful environment.
Median Price (12 Mo): $208,000 (down 3.1% YoY)
Median Single-Family Home Price: $215,000
Median Townhouse Price: $195,000
Median 2-Bedroom Home Price: $165,000
Median 1-Bedroom Home Price: $150,000
Average Price Per Sq Ft: $122
Number of Homes for Sale: 1,109
Home Sales in the Last 12 Months: 2,748 (down 18% YoY)
Months of Supply: 3.0 months
Median List Price: $199,900
Median Discount From 1st List Price: 1.05%
Median Home Sale Price YoY Change: -1.3%
Percentage Rate of Foreclosure: 0.1%
Foreclosure Data:
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