While we strive for accuracy, the availability of foreclosure properties listed on our site is not guaranteed due to ever-changing market conditions. We invite you to explore other categories, including pre-foreclosures, offering valuable real estate investment opportunities.
Start by searching for available pre-foreclosure properties in your area. These properties aren't usually listed for sale, which means there's less competition from other buyers. Additionally, pre-foreclosures are often sold below market rate, making them great real estate deals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get a great deal on a foreclosed property
North Linden: It is very well known that real estate in North Linden is affordable thus making it a sought-after location when looking for foreclosures. The area has various types of homes, and it's easy accessibility to the city center and public transportation adds value for both investors and buyers.
Southside: Revitalization is taking place on the south side of Columbus; hence, it has become an attractive opportunity to identify foreclosed properties. A mixture of traditional houses with new developments enables many options for potential purchasers. These things among other factors make it more appealing to the population around.
Hilltop: Is a mixed neighborhood that contains a huge number of housing possibilities inclusive of several foreclosures. It helps those interested in budget-wise houses for renovation or growth as they can invest here. Its closeness to downtown areas along with neighborhood parks made the place even more appealing.
Franklinton: This city portion known as The Bottoms frequently goes through reconstruction stages. Therefore, this part always appears in lists of foreclosure selling which may be seen as chances to purchase into an area with a rich past and some prospects ahead.The places strategic position near Columbus downtown makes it worth investing into.
Olde Towne East: One peculiar thing about Olde Towne East is its historical appeal and diverse architecture. Based on this, many foreclosed houses are available here that provide great opportunities for those willing to save such buildings by renovating them accordingly. If you look at its approaches from a geographical perspective,it means you can reach any buyer or investor at all costs.Both Houston and Columbus have neighborhoods where one can find plenty of foreclosed properties thereby giving options where homebuyers would rather buy than other places in town since they are good places for real estate investments too if someone needs money now.
Median Price (12 Mo): $310,000
Median Single-Family Price: $320,000
Median Townhouse Price: $285,000
Median 2-Bedroom Price: $260,000
Median 1-Bedroom Price: $220,000
Average Price Per Sq Ft: $210
Number of Homes for Sale: 1,263 (down 42.2% from the previous month)
Last 12 Months Home Sales: Approximately 10,800 units (down 7.5% YoY)
Months of Supply: 2.5 months
Median List Price: $284,017
Median Discount From 1st List Price: 2%
Median Home Sale Price YoY Change: +1.5%
Percentage Rate of Foreclosure: 0.4%
Foreclosure Data:
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