Housing Vouchers in Pocatello and Their Impact
Just like many other strategies, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has developed the housing voucher program many years ago. This program aims to financially assist, through public resources, low-income families, people with disabilities, and the elderly in obtaining housing.
The federal housing voucher program is administered by state and local authorities. Each administration has its own eligibility requirements and will be responsible for accepting applications and determining, if they meet the program’s requirements, who will receive the grant and the amount of funding they are entitled to.
HUD vouchers are primarily aimed at families with extremely low incomes, that is, with incomes below the local average poverty line. The functioning of housing vouchers becomes effective when a person, who applies for the program’s assistance, must pay 30% of their income in rent and utilities, and the remaining value of the expenses will be covered by the funds issued in the voucher.
The value issued in the housing vouchers will be determined up to a certain amount, with a detailed percentage and with limits that vary according to the housing costs of the local real estate market. However, housing agencies may establish a higher standard price when the money is intended for a person with a disability.
Nationally, the housing choice voucher program is the main housing subsidy program. This program alone helps more than 4.5 million people and over 2 million households.
In Pocatello, Idaho, according to program authorities, the demand for housing choice vouchers is also quite high. To date, the waiting list exceeds 340 people requesting housing vouchers in the city.
In addition to this rental housing assistance voucher, the authorities in Pocatello, in particular, are developing a way for all those individuals and families benefiting from the program to potentially use these vouchers in the future for purchasing a home.
Developing a voucher program that can be used for purchasing a home will be a significant economic advancement for the real estate market in Pocatello and a firm step towards the social development of the city.
Available Foreclosures:
Pocatello: 45 homes available.
By Elías DaSilva | 12 de Noviembre de 2024.