Foreclosures and Home Improvement

The real estate market in Mobile, Alabama registers three months of growth despite some foreclosures

Birmingham - AL
For the third consecutive month, Alabama has experienced an increase in home sales and active home listings. And Mobile, one of its main cities, stands out for its strong numbers…

Foreclosure Trends and Home Prices in Springfield and Greene County, Missouri

Foreclosure Market
With foreclosure processes at their normal levels, recent figures from for June indicate that in Springfield and Greene County, homes were selling at higher prices than the previous month’s…

Foreclosure Order Against Apartment Complex in Little Rock

Foreclosure Market
Despite the mortgage holder’s claim that they have no intention of selling the property or evicting tenants, a Little Rock apartment complex is facing not only a foreclosure order but…

Irvine with Some Foreclosures and Orange County Amid Population Exodus

The beautiful and sunny weather of Irvine and Orange County today contrasts with the looming clouds in their real estate market due to California’s overall housing affordability crisis, a crisis…