Foreclosures and Home Improvement

Zombie Mortgages Haunt Homeowners in Santa Maria, California.

Zombie mortgages are those old loans or mortgage debts where the homeowner assumes they have been fully paid off but still exist. Typically, these debts resurface with additional interest and…

Richmond homeowners today have options to avoid foreclosure

Foreclosure Market
Despite the latest figures published, specialists in Richmond, Virginia agree that a widespread foreclosure crisis similar to 2008 is unlikely to occur in the city. As detailed in a BlackKnight…

Kevin Spacey’s Baltimore Condo Sold at Auction After Foreclosure

Baltimore - MD
Kevin Spacey’s $5.6 million waterfront condo in Baltimore was auctioned off due to the actor’s financial troubles following numerous allegations of sexual misconduct. A jury in London cleared Spacey of…

Foreclosure of Parade Park Homes in Kansas City

Foreclosure Market
Kansas City’s historic Black-owned housing cooperative, Parade Park Homes, will no longer be the same after its successful foreclosure sale on Monday. This sale is linked to a $275 million…