Foreclosures and Home Improvement

In Nashville, Tennessee, more homes were sold than in the entire United States

A recent report from Redfin revealed that the home turnover rate in the United States is the lowest it has been in the last thirty years. According to Redfin, so…

Woman Accused of Deed Fraud for a $4 Million Home in Raleigh, North Carolina

Foreclosure Market
Dawn Mangum, a woman in Raleigh, North Carolina, is accused of fraudulently obtaining the deed to a $4 million home and now faces serious criminal charges. The investigation began after…

Real estate agents in Charlotte, North Carolina, face major changes in the industry

Charlotte - NC
Real estate professionals in North Carolina are adapting to new regulations that could reduce the costs of buying and selling homes, including those affected by foreclosures. These changes in Charlotte’s…

Madison approves a property tax increase

Foreclosure Market
Inflation increases always bring consequences to the economies of states and cities, as happened in Madison where it has been drastically perceived that the city’s revenues were not adjusting to…