Foreclosures and Home Improvement

The Portland City Council approves the foreclosure of six properties in dispute

Foreclosure Market
The City Council has given the green light to the foreclosure of six properties known for their ongoing problems and the crime in their neighborhoods.  The Bureau of Development Services…

New Orleans Homeowners on the Verge of Facing Foreclosure

Foreclosure Market
Due to the ongoing crises in the American real estate market, especially now in the state of Louisiana and its city of New Orleans, a large number of people are…

Cyclone faces foreclosure on two of its investments in San Antonio, Texas

Foreclosure Market
By Elias DaSilva | September 16, 2024. A financial storm is brewing for Cyclone Investment Group, as it risks losing 600 housing units following the disappearance of its online presence.…

The foreclosure threatens the beloved Plaza Mariachi, an iconic Nashville landmark.

Foreclosure Market
By Elias DaSilva | September 16, 2024. Without a miracle, bankruptcy could be the only remaining option to prevent Plaza Mariachi from facing a foreclosure auction scheduled for Tuesday at…