Foreclosure Market

Protestors Gather in Front of the Justice Department in Washington D.C.

Foreclosure Market
The foreclosure crisis has taken a heavy toll on ordinary citizens, particularly older people and communities of color. People have become fed up with how banks had been using predatory…

Families to Receive Help from a New Foreclosure Relief Bill

Foreclosure Market
Struggling New York families received a boon from the state government on May 22 when the New York State Legislature passed a new bill that aims to help prevent foreclosure…

Rhode Island Minorities More Affected by Foreclosure Crisis

Foreclosure Market
More people who are minorities have been negatively affected by the foreclosure crisis than Caucasians, according to a report released by DARE (Direct Action for Rights and Equality). It mainly…

Huge Foreclosure Settlement in Michigan

Foreclosure Market
There was recently a large settlement made between five major mortgage services and abused homeowners. These five major companies supposedly signed foreclosure-related documents without the authorization of a notary and…