
Zombie Mortgages Haunt Homeowners in Santa Maria, California.

Zombie mortgages are those old loans or mortgage debts where the homeowner assumes they have been fully paid off but still exist. Typically, these debts resurface with additional interest and…

The Future of Fresno’s Real Estate Sector.

Although Fresno’s real estate leaders are celebrating some successes achieved in the county over the past year, such as completed affordable housing projects and low vacancy rates in the office…

American Counties at Risk Due to the Rise in Foreclosures

By Elias DaSilva | September 16, 2024 According to the recent report published by ATTOM on American Housing Risks, based on county-level real estate markets and evaluating their vulnerability to…

Newsom Plans Cuts to California’s $500 Million Anti-Foreclosure Fund for Tenants

By Elias DaSilva | September 11, 2024. A program aimed at preserving existing affordable housing is under scrutiny before the state has spent any of the nearly $500 million allocated…