Foreclosures and Home Improvement

Fear of Foreclosure for Future Concert Hall Near Galveston, Texas

Foreclosure Market

The latest report indicates that progress on the former Gulf Greyhound Park, a dog racing track near the city of Galveston, is around 50%. According to the Galveston County Daily News, one of the most important news outlets in Galveston, Texas, a simple administrative error almost halted work on the new concert venue in the […]

Housing Crisis in Santa Fe

Foreclosure Market

The state of New Mexico today faces a housing shortage that is a very concerning issue for all authorities seeking to provide a reliable and certain solution to all residents of the different cities that make up the state. From statements by the representative of the city of Santa Fe, it is clear the urgency […]

Current Real Estate Market in Sarasota


Despite the recent natural disasters that have impacted the state of Florida, a recent study determined that housing prices in areas affected by natural phenomena, such as the city of Sarasota, remain high during the three years following the events, compared to unaffected cities. Although it is still early to speak with certainty about the […]

New housing projects in South Bend

Foreclosure Market

To address the problem of the affordable housing crisis that plagues the country, the state of Indiana, specifically the city of South Bend, is developing a new housing initiative that will be aimed at residents with mixed incomes. In a previous project, and in order to revitalize the community, the South Bend administration proceeded to […]