Foreclosures and Home Improvement

New Haven among the best cities to invest


Generating profits in housing construction or in the purchase of already built properties is becoming increasingly difficult for companies or real estate market developers who seek their own places to achieve their goals due to the scarcity of land in the most important cities and suitable sites that generate good returns. In addition to the […]

Drop in Home Sales in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Foreclosure Market

Sioux Falls, one of the most important cities in the state of South Dakota, has experienced a decline in existing home sales in recent months, with a drop of nearly 25%. Meanwhile, sales of new homes also decreased but at a lower rate. According to a major real estate agents association, during the same period […]

Spokane County Initiates Foreclosure of a House and Its Surrounding Land

Foreclosure Market

All those eager to buy a house in Spokane, Washington, can keep an eye on the public foreclosure auction of a property with 4 acres in the northern part of Spokane Valley. This property, owned by Spokane County, is located near Bigelow Gulch Road and was initially acquired by the county for the Bigelow Gulch […]

With high prices, home sales slow down in Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley


According to recent reports from California’s leading real estate organizations, as summer approaches, the city of Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley generally experience a slowdown in home sales. Despite some foreclosures shaking up the market and an initial increase in home sales at the beginning of 2024, the last three months have seen a […]