Foreclosures and Home Improvement

Personal Finance Can Help You Understand the Federal Budget Crisis

Personal Finance

Personal finance can help you understand how the federal budget works. This is because managing a household budget and managing a government’s budget both use a similar type of ratio to determine financial health. Household budgets, even though they are on a much smaller scale, are not that different from government budgets.

Apply for Programs to Stop HUD Foreclosures

Foreclosure Market

The eligibility program for FHA Secure loans offer a strategic refinancing program and is available for those individuals who find themselves in delinquent status, which usually means they may lose their homes. The program will help the homeowner stop the foreclosure process. They would have to qualify for eligibility through a procedure that HUD will administer to them.

Top Ten Cities that Have the Wildest Commutes

Personal Finance

Surprisingly, there are many people that commute hours just to get to their place of work. While the national average time people commute is 25 minutes, there are still plenty that have to commute about two hours each day. These people are called “mega commuters” or those that travel 90 minutes a day and about 50 miles to and from work.

The Steps in a Process of After Foreclosure

Foreclosure Market

After foreclosure occurs, a property is usually kept as a security against a debt that must be paid by the homeowner, according to their deed of trust. A house is usually foreclosed upon due to the failure on the part of the borrower to pay their monthly payments on time.