Foreclosures and Home Improvement

The Scandal Surrounding Bank of America and the Robo Signing Case

Foreclosure Market

Bank of America had already attracted itself enough negative publicity with the Meryl Lynch incident and the multi fraud accusations made against the institution by public services such as hospitals and schools in 2010. Now it has found itself in the top headlines again in the fall of 2010 for the “robo” signing case.

Top Ten Best Cities in U.S. to Find a Job

Personal Finance

Even though the economy has seen better days, there are still plenty of places in the United States where one can find a job. However, there are still plenty of places where people struggle daily to make ends meet. The place where you live in may be a prominent factor in how much you make on a weekly or monthly basis.

Rent Could Improve Your Credit Score

Personal Finance

If you live in an apartment building, chances are you are paying a monthly rent if you do not own the apartment you live in. Trying to scrounge up money every month can be difficult and can someone feel like their rent payments are going nowhere; you don’t own an apartment you rent.

Great Pieces of Financial Advice!

Personal Finance

It often is quite expensive to hire a financial adviser and books that give financial advice always cost. However, there is always another way to get great tips on managing your money or maintaining a good credit score: reading articles online!