Foreclosures and Home Improvement

Fayetteville without enough affordable housing


For local real estate experts, the affordable housing problem in Fayetteville, Arkansas is becoming more critical every day, because recent increases in property taxes, rising homeowner insurance costs, and high interest rates make it much more difficult for middle- and low-income families to access homeownership. According to a study conducted by the city administration, it […]

Foreclosure Opportunities: How an Independent Bank Can Help You Become a Homeowner in Lubbock, Texas

Austin - TX

If you want to buy a home in Lubbock, Texas, there is no general rule to help you achieve this, as both the property and financing must be tailored to your personal needs. But today, there are plenty of banks that can assist you. Among them is SouthStar Bank, one of the largest independent banks […]

Foreclosures and Home Prices in Boise: An Upward Trend in 2024

Boise - ID

Much speculation surrounds home prices in Boise, Idaho, for the remainder of 2024 and into the next year. What should buyers and homeowners in Boise expect regarding home values and other market trends in the coming months? Undoubtedly, Boise’s real estate market has undergone significant changes in recent years. With the past three years marked […]

Foreclosure Problems for Event Venue at Historic Mansion in El Paso, Texas

El Paso - TX

Financial difficulties appear to have closed The Manor at Ten Eleven, an event venue located in a 112-year-old renovated mansion on a prominent corner near downtown El Paso. The owners have temporarily halted a bank foreclosure while one of their companies files for bankruptcy. The contact number for The Manor is inactive, and a lock […]