Last year in the state of New Mexico, 36 out of nearly 13,000 home loans ended in foreclosure. According to some experts, this figure could double this year. Due to the high interest rates currently in place, the end of federal assistance provided during the pandemic, and other various issues, the rise in foreclosures on […]
Community boards across Oahu are urging the island’s administration to take control of properties that are often fire hazards and environmental pollution hotspots due to their abandonment, affecting all the people living around them. However, the city argues that foreclosing on all these properties is a difficult and very costly process. While it is true […]
Zombie mortgages are those old loans or mortgage debts where the homeowner assumes they have been fully paid off but still exist. Typically, these debts resurface with additional interest and fees that the homeowner did not expect, and they begin to pose problems that threaten financial stability. These debts are often sold to new service […]
Despite the latest figures published, specialists in Richmond, Virginia agree that a widespread foreclosure crisis similar to 2008 is unlikely to occur in the city. As detailed in a BlackKnight report, although there has been a slight increase in foreclosures, when looking at a broader perspective, we can see that we are still well below […]