Foreclosures and Home Improvement


Foreclosure Market

By Elias DaSilva | September 6, 2024, 11:57 AM GMT+2 In the aftermath of the Champlain Towers incident in Surfside, Florida, and the devastating impact it had on the United States, the American government has instructed all authorities to conduct detailed inspections of condos and buildings that are over 30 years old. Once the condition […]

Rising Foreclosure Listings Across the US: A Look at July 2024 Data

Foreclosure Market

This article focuses on the foreclosure trends revealed by ATTOM’s July 2024 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report. The report indicates a slight shift in the housing market, with foreclosure activity showing an increase.  Despite soaring home prices nationwide, foreclosure starts saw an 18% jump from the previous month, reaching 21,870 properties. Several states and metropolitan areas […]

A Real Estate Investor says the 1% Rule no longer applies, regardless of the Market.

Real Estate

By Elias DaSilva | August 30, 2024, 11:57 AM GMT+2 This 1% Rule is something that has disappeared,’ says John Smith, a veteran at closing deals under the 1% rule to acquire rental cash flows. However, Smith is still aligned with this strategy, even though it continues to change under current conditions, but with a […]

Home Sellers Feel the Squeeze as Buyers Gain the Upper Hand

Real Estate

By Elias DaSilva | August 30, 2024, 11:57 AM GMT+2 The U.S. housing market is changing in a way that is plausible to benefit potential homebuyers. As of July 2024, the report adds that nearly 18.9% of housing listings in the country experienced a price decrease, compared to 3.4% during the same period last year.  […]